Thank you for supporting our community campaign to improve our transport services in the West of Bankstown area. Your support is greatly appreciated and we will keep fighting for all stations to have direct trains to City Circle, Bankstown and Liverpool.
The West of Bankstown area has been unfairly targetted by the NSW Government since 2013 including in the Sydney’s Rail Future (SRF) plans produced by Transport for NSW. Below is our advertisment placed in the Auburn Reivew newspaper this week highlighting how the 2013 timetable cuts significantly increases journey times in the West of Bankstown area (as of 2021).

Restore Inner West Line convenor Roydon Ng recently addressed Cumberland Council about Transport for NSW considering to backtrack on its commitment to restore the former T2 Inner West Line’s City to Liverpool via Regents Park train service.
We are also encouraged by Transport Minister David Elliott acknowledging that the implementation of future rail as part of “Planning for rail services west of Bankstown” project will occur in 2024 (as initially promised by Transport for NSW) despite the opening of Sydney Metro Southwest being delayed until 2025.
TfNSW's planning for West of Bankstown project still has a 2024 completion date despite Metro Southwest being delayed until 2025.
— RestoreInnerWestLine (@RIWLtrains) October 16, 2022
Former T2 Inner West Line (City to Liverpool via Regents Park) trains can be restored NOW on current infrastructure regardless of Metro at Bankstown.
Transport for NSW has already admitted in 2020 that direct trains to City via Lidcombe from West of Bankstown could run using existing infrastructure.
With the upcoming NSW State Election in March 2023, we encourage all political parties and candidates to show their support of restoring direct trains to City via Lidcombe NOW.
The Restore Inner West Line community action group also calls on Transport for NSW to undertake community consultation regarding the development of the future timetable for West of Bankstown and to guarantee that direct train services to City will be provided for all stations in the NSW Future Transport Strategy.