Metro = Over-Development even West of Bankstown
No to 18 Storeys in Chester Hill: Stop Over-Development
Canterbury-Bankstown Council is considering a proposal to demolish the single storey Chester Square shopping centre and allow construction of 18 storeys on the site.
633 new units is being proposed along with the demolition of the existing post office.
Traffic congestion on Waldron Road will worsen, demand on train services will increase along with the strain on local infrastructure.
Chester Hill Station does not have a lift and despite being just 7km from Parramatta – such journey by train or bus takes around 40 minutes (which is not compatible with the Greater Sydney Commission’s vision for 30 minute cities)
Council’s assessment report claims that the redeveloping Chester Square is supported by the upcoming Sydenham to Bankstown Metro despite Chester Hill being west of Bankstown.
Chester Hill won’t even have a train to Bankstown from 2024 onwards, as the T3 Line is being further cut to only be a shuttle train service between Bankstown and Lidcombe.
NSW Government plans include the removal of all trains from Chester Hill after Metro Southwest is open in 2024
The Sydney’s Rail Future Implementation Plan says buses will replace trains between Cabramatta and Bankstown
The 2056 Future Transport Strategy does show train services operating through Chester Hill
Howard Collins (Sydney Trains CEO) said at the NSW Upper House Inquiry into the Metro Southwest that plans to keep rail for west of Bankstown are only for the short-term future
Sign the Petition to Save Chester Hill at www.SaveT3.org/chesterhill

The Save Chester Hill campaign’s objectives:
- Maintain Sydney Trains Network passenger services for Chester Hill
- An accessibility upgrade for Chester Hill station including lift access
- Restore the direct train to City Circle on the Inner West Line: Liverpool via Regents Park

Basta: Enough is Enough
Fight Back against NSW Government Cuts
Like us on Facebook: Save Chester Hill
Email: chesterhill@restoreinnerwestline.org.au